Thursday, February 23, 2012

What to Do When Your Computer Shuts Down by Itself

Whether you use your computer for work or for pleasure, you would indeed want it to run smoothly. One of the most distracting things that can happen when you are trying to use your computer is for it to shut down by itself. Your computer shutting down by itself can indeed be indicative of a severe problem, and you need to make sure that the damage doesn't go any further. This article will tell you what to do when your computer shuts down by itself.

If you are using a computer rather than a laptop, you might find that the issue is a easy case of a problematic power source. Did something happen to the outlet, or does the power cord seem less well-seated than it might be? Take the time to find out the exact cause. This is something that can tell you a lot, especially if the question escalates to a point where you'll have to consult a technician.

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Another thing that you will want to note is either there are any symptoms that go along with your computer shutting itself down. Write down any errors that you might see, or any messages that may be displayed after your computer goes on the fritz. You will find that this can help you narrow down the likely cause. Remember that when you are dealing with this issue that you should always make sure that you are using your ears as well as your eyes. Is there any rattling or any beeping sounds coming from your computer? Do you notice that the fan might be working at double or triple the speed that it ordinarily does? Does the computer itself feel hot? Could your computer's cooling fan be malfunctioning and causing overheating and self-acting shutdowns?

At this point you may be wondering if it is a software problem. This is most likely if your computer shuts itself down and then restarts itself. If this is the case, take the time to check out your computer for viruses. Update your anti-virus program, unplug your computer from the internet connection and then run the anti-virus in safe-mode. You will find that this is a great way to go ahead and get your computer clean.

When you are looking to see what happens when your computer shuts down by itself, remember that you might also have to deal with a hardware question rather than software. You will need to take added precaution if your computer starts shutting down by itself. The truth of the matter is that hard drives can crash and sometimes, you will find that they cannot be recovered. When your computer crashes and cannot be brought back online, you may find that a new hard drive is necessary. This is a fairly base situation, and the truth is that there is ordinarily no good way to guard against it, so make sure that you take the time to safeguard and backup your data.

If you find that your computer shuts down by itself, take the time to indeed think about it and to make sure that you are getting the results that you need. It is very prominent get your computer needs taken care of! Now that you know what to do when your computer shuts down by itself, you can take the principal actions to forestall hereafter recurrences, if any.

What to Do When Your Computer Shuts Down by Itself

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